If you missed this check out the powerpoint here
New Zealand has the second highest imprisoned population in the Western world and we are now in a race with America for what? The justice policy least effective, how’s that tough on Crime!
Perhaps New Zealand could try “smart on crime”, lets answer these questions;
- Why are so many of our poor in prison ?
- Why are so many Maori in prison, over 50%
- Why when we know early intervention works are we not focused on this ?
Justice Roper said 20 years ago ….it is naive to think imprisonment holds the answer to our rising crime rate… So what has changed? Well, then our prison numbers were 3000 – today 9000.
So we have a choice – in California and many American states corrections have bankrupted them. Social services, hospital waiting lists, education, ha-ha you are joking we have a future legacy of paying for cages.
The upcoming seminar will focus on just what has gone wrong in the States and the risk we a running with similar laws in New Zealand. Rev. Givens was Executive Director of the 600 Prison Chaplains in California, before most of them were fired under the new, harsher penal regime. He’s a leader who is passionate about ending the three strikes law and the inhumane conditions it has contributed to in US prisons. He is Political Director of UNION (United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect).
Ron is bringing with him graphic images of prison overcrowding and budget shortages in Californian prisons. Come and join to get a real insight into the possible future of our penal system.
Public meetings:
AUCKLAND Wednesday 12 May
7 pm. Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road.
WELLINGTON Thursday 13 May
12.30 pm. St Andrews on the Terrace
5.30 pm. St Josephs Catholic Church, Brougham St, Mt Victoria
4pm. Oxford Terrace Baptist Church Hall.
Sponsored by the Howard League for Penal Reform in Association with the Edmund Rice Centre, Rethinking Crime and Punishment, and the Canterbury Community Law Centre