In September 2015, the Edmund Rice Justice Trust hosted its first Ethical Encounter event in Auckland focused on Restorative Justice. Jackie Katounas from Blenheim who is the lead Restorative Justice Facilitator for the trust spoke of her experience and work as a Restorative Justice facilitator and shared her story.
Jackie stated the need for restorative Justice conferences not to be a ‘box-ticking exercise’ before sentencing, but rather meaningful and genuine conferences to attempt to facilitate healing and the moving forward for both the victim and offender. The floor was then open for everyone to engage in conversation with Jackie. The invited guests came from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. The depth of collective wisdom and experience gathered around the table enriched the conversation
On Saturday the 20th August 2016, the Edmund Rice Justice Trust hosted its first Ethical Encounter event in Christchurch. The topic of the breakfast was on Restorative Justice. We had the ERJ Trusts key restorative justice facilitator, Jackie Katounas, speak to the group about her story and her experiences of working in the restorative justice field. Jackie shared a number of shocking, yet empowering stories that really highlighted the importance of her work. Jackie also emphasized the need for restorative justice at a post-sentence level when both the victims and offenders are ready, and genuine.
The group then had the opportunity to ask Jackie questions which sparked a number of insightful discussions. The invited guests came from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. It was a small group, but the intimate size lead to the sharing of personal and moving stories.